Invoice Flags & Communication
Lead Design | Research
We landed a large client with 50+ hotels that was signing on for Accounting and Bookkeeping Services (BKS). During the sales process we learned they were unhappy with their current accounting software and provided insight on their ideal solution for working with transaction errors or questions. Our current process was antiquated and relied heavily on emails back and forth. With the clients insight and our need to update our process we set out to design and develop a solution by their implementation date.
Leveraging Internal Expertise
With the timeline we had to deliver this new feature we needed to be quick with our research and discovery. We had CS team members that were experienced in this process from the hotel industry so we began there. Internal discussion centered around the best approach for bringing attention to invoice errors or general questions. Should we assign tasks? Is this simply a commenting flow? Ultimately we learned that BKS agents didn’t know who to contact for help with their problems. We needed an open, “anyone who can help”, process like asking a forum for support on a website.
Once the design was vetted internally and we settled on the flagging process we utilized members of our User Advisory Group (a group of committed, knowledgeable users that I crurated) to help us validate designs and make adjustments where needed.
After working internally, utilizing our UAG members, and testing with the BKS team we launched a beta of our invoice flagging and communications inbox for BKS clients. This feature allowed anyone in the know at the organization to receive flagged transactions in their inbox so they could reply directly on the flagged invoice and update the status. Ultimately, saving timely communications to different recipients looking for the answers and keeping the communication and status of the flag all in app.
If you'd like to learn more about how we organized permissions, collobrated internally, and other details please contact me.
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